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What to do if there are wasps in my house

Oct 23, 2023

It’s never a pleasant surprise to discover an insect in your home, no matter what kind– but discovering a wasp (or multiple wasps!) might be the worst one to find. This unfriendly flying pest is capable of stinging multiple times, causing potentially serious problems, so this is a problem you’ll want to take care of as quickly as possible– but don’t panic! This is a solvable problem, and by staying calm and carrying out a few simple steps, you’ll be able to resolve the problem.

What type of wasp is it?

Understanding exactly what you’re dealing with is an important first step. You can look up which types of wasps are common in your area, but a few of the types that tend to invade homes include yellow jackets, paper wasps, and hornets.

Knowing the species will help you determine the level of threat they pose to you, your family, and your pets, and to choose the best course of action.

Stay calm and keep your distance

When you’ve discovered wasps in your home, it’s important to remain as calm and composed as possible. You might be tempted to swat at the insects to keep them at bay, but we don’t recommend doing this, since sudden movements can provoke the wasps to attack.

Keep your distance from the wasps and observe their behavior, if possible. This assessment can help you to determine the severity of the infestation.

Where’s the nest?

The next step is to locate the wasps’ nest. This is necessary for effective removal of these pests. You might try looking in hidden or harder-to-reach places, like attics, inside walls, or in the eaves of your house.

Carefully inspect these areas while continuing to keep a safe distance. Identifying exactly where the nests are located will help you (and your pest care professional) make a plan to remove them.

Seal any entry points

Take this opportunity to consider entry points that wasps might be able to use around your home. Identify and then seal any cracks, gaps, or other openings in walls and around windows, doors, and vents. Blocking potential entryways can reduce risk of future infestations– of wasps and other pests, too!

DIY deterrents and removal

For a pest that can potentially be a hazard, especially for those with allergies to stings, we do not recommend DIY removal of wasp nests in your home.

However, in order to prevent wasp infestations before they become a problem, you could try planting herbs that give off a wasp-repellent smell, like mint or eucalyptus, around your home. Hanging decoy nests can also discourage wasps from making a nest near your home, since they may believe the area to already be occupied.

If you’re dealing with an existing wasp infestation before your pest care professionals arrive, wear protective clothing, like long sleeves and pants, gloves, and a face mask– if you plan on going in the vicinity of the nest. Otherwise, continue to keep your distance.

Professional wasp removal

We highly recommend calling in a professional pest control service to keep yourself and your family safe, and in order to effectively manage the problem.

Experienced technicians have the knowledge and equipment to safely and effectively remove wasp nests from your home. They can also provide guidance on how the wasps got into your home and how to prevent their entrance in the future.


Protect and prevent

Once your wasp problem has been dealt with, you’ll most likely want to ensure that wasps don’t return to your home. You can avoid future issues by regularly inspecting your property. Check for signs of wasp activity or nests around your home.

Keep trees and bushes around your home trimmed and well-maintained to reduce potential nesting sites, and install screens on your doors and windows to prevent any flying pests from entering your home.

Stay calm and give us a call

Finding wasps in your home in Northwest Arkansas can be nerve-wracking, but by staying calm and promptly calling in a pest control professional, you can safely address the issue. Don’t panic– we’re here to help!

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