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The Importance of Regular Termite Inspections

Mar 22, 2023

Termites are relatively small insects that can cause big problems for your home.

They aren’t necessarily dangerous to humans– they don’t bite people– but they do eat wood, and the structural timbers of your home, to them, are both a delicious snack and an appealing place to live. 

Unfortunately, due to their dietary habits, termites can cause major structural problems for your home that could result in thousands of dollars of repair work if left untreated.

How do I know if I have termites in my home?

While termites often live within the walls of your home, there are a few telltale signs that can let you know that you’ve got an infestation.

You might notice paint within your home that’s peeling, almost like it’s experienced water damage.

Termites might also leave tiny holes in your walls where they enter and exit. 

You might also notice that your windows and doors are more difficult to close than before– this is because termites, attracted to the exposed wood of your window and door frames, have damaged the wood.

You might also notice termite droppings or shed wings from termite swarmers, which are the types of termites that can fly.

What should I do if I have a termite infestation?

Performing a quick Google search will turn up a number of DIY home treatments for a termite infestation. These include things like using essential oils and dish soap to treat the wood within your home, making it unappealing for termites.

Unfortunately, these home remedies cannot effectively manage a termite infestation.

This is because termites primarily live within the structure of your home, in spaces you can’t access without the proper equipment.

Termites can also only be treated with a select number of strategies, including chemicals or extreme heat or cold.

The first thing you should do if you notice or even suspect a termite infestation is to call a pest control professional.

What is a termite inspection?

After you’ve had a professional pest control company deal with the termite infestation in your home, you might be feeling a lot more relaxed. Thank goodness that’s over– and your home escaped any major damage requiring repairs!

However, there’s no such thing as a permanent termite treatment. Unfortunately, it’s possible for them to come back. A termite inspection involves a pest control company performing a preventative treatment about once a year to ensure that your home is protected from any future termite problems.

Why are termite inspections important?

If your home has already experienced a termite infestation, it’s possible for another colony to move in at some point. Even if your previous infestation didn’t do any permanent damage, a new infestation will compound on the existing damage to the structure of your home– and can in turn cause major, expensive structural problems.

If you want to treat a termite problem and keep termites at bay for good, call the pest control professionals at West today. We’re here to give you back your peace of mind.

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