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Banishing Bed Bugs: What to do in case of infestation

Feb 14, 2024

Bedbugs: a one-word horror story. Dealing with an infestation can be challenging, unsettling, and definitely unpleasant. These tiny, blood-sucking pests can quickly multiply, and their presence can cause discomfort and even potential health issues.

Thankfully, if you’re currently dealing with a bedbug infestation, there are some practical steps you can take to handle the situation as quickly and effectively as possible.

Prevent, identify, eliminate

The first step in addressing a bedbug problem is before it even begins, by taking some sturdy preventative measures. Bedbugs can infest any environment, but maintaining cleanliness can make a big difference. Regularly vacuuming, washing bedding in hot water, and keeping clutter to a minimum can reduce the risk of infestations.Consider using mattress and box spring covers to trap and eliminate bedbugs and prevent them from spreading when possible.

However, if you suspect you might already be dealing with an infestation, your next step is accurate identification. Bedbugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. Recognizing the signs of their presence, like small reddish-brown stains on bedding or itchy bites on your skin, is necessary to diagnose the problem.

Bedbug bites often occur in a cluster or a line, typically in areas exposed while sleeping, like the face, neck, arms, and hands. The bites are usually painless at first, but can become increasingly itchy over time.

After you’ve identified the problem, taking quick action is essential. Start by washing and drying all bedding, clothing, and any affected items at the highest temperature possible. Vacuum your entire living space, paying special attention to cracks and crevices where bedbugs may hide.

Washing and drying your bedding and cleaning the affected space is important, but bedbugs are a problem that require professional help to eliminate– so find your local pest control professionals and give them a call as soon as possible.

Causes, symptoms, and signs of bedbug infestations

Bedbugs are notorious hitchhikers, often finding their way into homes through infested luggage, used furniture, or clothing. They can also move between units in multi-family buildings, which makes it extra-important to be vigilant if you live in close quarters with others.

While bedbugs aren’t known to transmit diseases, their bites cause itching, redness, and discomfort. This means that you’re not going to contract any bloodborne diseases, but you are likely to be uncomfortable while you deal with the interrupted sleep patterns and emotional stress of an infestation.

If you’re looking for signs of an infestation beyond just bites, look closely at your sheets and mattresses for small reddish-brown stains, tiny white eggs, and molted bedbug skins. Regularly inspecting your sleeping area and furniture can help you spot an infestation early.

Treatment options and seeking professional assistance

Some people might recommend do-it-yourself measures for bedbug treatment, like sprays, powders, or traps. However, these measures are unlikely to be as quickly effective as professional treatment, and may not be any more cost-effective.

Seeking professional assistance as quickly as possible is highly recommended. Professional exterminators have the expertise and tools to tackle a severe bedbug problem. They may use heat treatments, insecticides, or a combination of methods to ensure complete eradication.

Regain control of your living space

By successfully identifying a bedbug infestation and quickly calling in the professionals, you can regain control of your living space. Recognizing the causes, symptoms, and signs of infestation empower you to take swift action, allowing you to enjoy a bug-free home and a good night’s sleep again as soon as possible.

Call your local West Termite location or fill out the form
on our contact page to schedule your inspection today!

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